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This standard specifies accelerated test method for light resistance (*1) of non-metallic materials and products in automobile cabin using light-exposure apparatus with xenon-arc lamp (*2) (hereinafter call “Test apparatus”).


(*1) The property of resistance to variation of color, gloss, etc. under irradiation of light, and shall be distinguished from weather resistance, which is the property of resistance to variation to natural actions, such as out-door sunlight, wind, rain, etc.

(*2) Test apparatus capable of performing irradiation of an artificial light source closely resembling sunlight for examining part of the properties of light resistance in a short time.


Definitions of main terms used in this standard shall be accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

  1. Term


    1)       Black panel temperature

    (hereinafter call “B.P.T”)

    The temperature indicated by a black panel thermometer attached to a rack or rotary board, which is representative for the surface temperature of test pieces.

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