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ISO 20340-2009是关于《涂料和清漆.海上和相关结构防护涂料系统的性能要求》的国际标准,现行标准修订于2009,并且于2009年4月发布,替代原先的IS0 20340-2003所使用。





ISO 20340-2009英文介绍

SO 20340:2009 deals with performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and related structures (i.e. those exposed to the offshore environment, as well as those immersed in sea or brackish water). It can also be used for other structures, provided that the paints or protective paint systems selected comply with ISO 20340.

ISO 20340 includes:

the test methods to be used to determine the composition of the separate components of the protective paint system;

the laboratory performance test methods for the assessment of the likely durability of the protective paint system;

the criteria to be used to evaluate the results of performance tests.

HONGZHAN-FOG盐雾试验箱用于ISO 20340-2009的试验方法